The wooden topsail schooner Huia was built in New Zealand almost 50 years after the Colina, but the rigs of the two schooners would have been almost identical. The Huia was twice the length of the 16.5m Colina. Photo: State Library of Victoria.

The word ‘shipwreck’ brings to mind images of a ship in the dark being driven onto rocks by a violent storm. Many shipwrecks have occurred, however, in sheltered waters, in daylight and mild weather. Ships have drifted to their destruction during calms, and the story of the loss of the Colina is an example of a relatively mild squall causing a vessel to capsize and sink.
On June 28, 1853, the wooden topsail schooner Colina was loaded with cargo from the Prussian barque Vesta at Point Henry to carry it to Geelong. She set off late in the afternoon in very calm conditions and all sail had been set. A light breeze carried her towards the channel marker at around sunset when it began to rain. The cabin boy, John McKenzie, decided to go below to change his clothes, which had become wet.
By that time darkness had come on and the breeze increased, but not greatly. John was still below when a sudden squall struck the vessel, and the crew had not enough time to free the sheets or lower the sails before the Colina capsized. The five men aboard made it into the boat that was towing astern, and in the darkness they searched for the boy. Not finding any trace, they then rowed to Geelong.
At the inquest into the death of John McKenzie, those giving evidence agreed that the vessel was deeply laden but disagreed about the amount of cargo that was loaded on her deck. The only passenger aboard the vessel at the time thought that there was too much deck cargo but the captain, the mate and one of the two crew members called to give evidence believed it was not excessive.
The Colina was built at Port Albert in 1847 and operated out of Sealer’s Cove, Wilsons Promontory, as a timber carrier for several years. After the capsize in June 1853, the vessel was raised and returned to service but was completely wrecked at the mouth of the Wagonga River near Narooma, NSW, in June 1865.
MAURIE HUTCHINSON, President, Peninsula Ship Society
The Peninsula Ship Society meets at Hastings Yacht Club at 10am on the fourth Tuesday of each month (except November and December). Visitors are welcome.
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