The CWA Mornington Peninsula ladies are ready to stitch up a storm.
Mornington Peninsula group president Jodi Johnston said it was always exciting to see the CWA’s expertise on display. “We saw a lot of blue ribbons from our members at the Red Hill Show, so I’m excited to see what they deliver in our exhibition this year,” Jodi said. “I love seeing our newer members having a go, and our more experienced members cheering them on and volunteering advice for future competitions or teaching a new skill.”
The exhibition is at Peninsula Community Theatre, Wilsons Rd, Mornington from 10am-4pm on April 27-28. Details on Facebook @CWAMorningtonPeninsula
Members of the six Peninsula CWA branches are crafting and cooking up a storm in preparation for their annual Creative Arts Exhibition this month.

Licia Lawford, Carmel Tropeano, Judi Hannan and Julie Marasco will take part in the exhibition.
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