Making News
Be brave and make change for National Reconciliation Week
by Mornington Peninsula Magazine

Mornington Peninsula Shire is calling on residents to take part in National Reconciliation Week activities across the Peninsula. From May 27-June 3, National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

The Shire says: “This year’s theme, Be Brave. Make Change, is a call to all Australians to be brave and to engage and participate in reconciliation so we can make change for the benefit of all Australians.”

The Shire will launch National Reconciliation Week with a smoking ceremony and Welcome to Country at 5.40pm on Tuesday, May 31, at its Rosebud office, 90 Besgrove St. From May 27-July 10, there will be a mini exhibition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art at 90 Besgrove St featuring works from the Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery and the Shire’s Civic Collection; and Shire libraries will have Indigenous themed displays and recommended reading lists.

In 2020, the Shire’s first reconciliation action plan was endorsed by Reconciliation Australia, which it said “puts the Shire among dedicated organisations who have formally committed to the reconciliation journey”. Since developing its plan, the Shire has:

RENAMED Blacks Camp Rd, kindergarten and reserve as Worwong Ave, Tillerkite Pre-School, and Beek Beek Reserve;

ENGAGED with traditional owners to “formally incorporate cultural values” into its coastal and marine management plans for Portsea, Flinders and Mount Eliza;

WORKED with Trust for Nature and Holmesglen TAFE to provide experiences on Country across many Shire bushland reserves for the Indigenous Conservation and Land Management course; and,

PROVIDED maternal child health cultural welcome packs to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-identifying families.

Mayor Anthony Marsh said: “Mornington Peninsula Shire is committed to reconciliation and has demonstrated a movement towards more impactful actions. We’re proud to be working with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to support meaningful social, cultural and economic outcomes. We know to do this, strong relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities must be at the heart of our work. Our reconciliation action plan is currently being renewed for 2023-2025. Through assessing and reflecting on the strategies, actions and outcomes, we will gain some valuable insights and learnings so we can progress on our reconciliation journey.”

Inter Council Aboriginal Consultative Committee member and Deputy Mayor Lisa Dixon said: “We recognise that strong, respectful and enduring relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities is central to progressing reconciliation. The Shire is committed to listening to and learning from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to build proactive and productive relationships on the pathway to reconciliation.”

You can read the Shire’s reconciliation action plan here and learn more about National Reconciliation Week here.