Did you know that Australia has lots of beneficial insects that pollinate our gardens? About 90 per cent of our flowering plants rely on animals for pollination. It is interesting to know the names of the hardworking insects located in our backyards and nearby nature.
Frankston’s Natured Kids outdoor playgroup and their families conduct biannual beneficial insect surveys at Cruden Farm and in the Joy of the Earth community garden in Joy St, Frankston. Children record and tally the number of different insects they observe and create a 3D model of their favourite wild pollinator using ‘windfall’ items found in their backyard.
Results collected inform organism occurrence and promote connection with, care for and contributions to the natural environment. Children delight in being little ‘citizen scientists’ and observing bees, beetles, moths, butterflies, flies, wasps, ants and other beneficial bugs. These results are shared with iNaturalist.org, an online social network community of more than a million scientists and naturalists who assist with identification, share biodiversity information, and can help you learn more about nature.
Families learn about the diverse range of important insects and are motivated to take care of these insects that help our plants to reproduce. Participants are encouraged to avoid using harmful pesticides and chemicals, increase the range of native flowering plants in their gardens to help attract pollinators, and provide them with a home, such as a beneficial bug hotel.
Keen to join with your 0-6-year-old and learn more about how you too can care for our natural environment? Call Narelle on 0431 791 379 to join playgroup at Cruden Farm on Tuesdays or in beach, bush and botanic spaces on a Wednesday. For details, go to www.natureplayeveryday.com.au
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