When it comes to choosing a mattress that will give you restful sleep every night for years to come, don’t be fooled by fake sales and phoney discounts.
There are retailers that mark up to mark down, offering mattresses with “thousands of dollars off” or “reduced by 50 per cent”. These mattresses never cost that much in the first place; the ‘sale’ price is the actual price of the mattress. So don’t be fooled by the phoney discount strategy into thinking the mattress is worth more than you are paying, because it’s not.
Similarly, beware the soft mattress. Fifteen minutes of soft in-store seduction becomes an eight-hour hot, sweaty nightmare at home. These mattresses have layers of foam in the top to create the soft feel, and they will become hot to sleep on. Hot sleep can cause nightmares and will cause increased perspiration, which will permeate the layers of foam and cause it to degrade and flatten.
When you buy your new mattress from Makin Mattresses, you’ll find no gimmicks – just top-quality mattresses with authentic manufacturers’ prices every day. Makin Mattresses’ mattresses are designed to ‘breathe’ for maximum air circulation, giving you maximum rest.
Trust the experts to deliver you a wonderful night’s sleep. Trust Makin Mattresses.
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