Monthly Features
Embrace the joy of learning with tai chi
by Mornington Peninsula Magazine

Tai chi is a journey for life, one on which you’re continuously learning and growing. After more than 30 years as a student and teacher, Rising Moon Tai Chi business principal Sifu Jenny Harrison is not even close to slowing down.

In the past year Jenny has been involved with a Melbourne University PhD study, where she planned and delivered a 12-week online program teaching tai chi to people with osteoarthritis.  For her work in this area she was named co-author of the study.  She has been instrumental in developing a Tai Chi Professional category with Australia’s peak fitness body, AUSactive, and this month she is hosting a visiting Master for a series of tai chi workshops.  She was MC at the recent competition organised by the Wushu, Tai Chi and Qigong Association and she has trained her own students in Beijing 24 and 42 Form, earning gold and silver at the competition.

“Unlike other organs, the brain has the ability to constantly change,” Jenny said. “We can improve cognitive function, we can slow the ageing process and enhance memory.  Continuous learning also increases our self-confidence; we become more social and we enjoy a feeling of fulfilment because of our accomplishments.

“No longer are we in school, so we don’t have to follow the rules.  We can take our time, we can be curious, we can try anything we want to. Our memories of what may have been harsh school days can fade into obscurity as we embrace the joy of learning.”

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