Do you have a great business idea but lack the confidence or don’t know where to start? You can access a fully funded government program delivered by approved provider Transcend Services and Chisholm to help you develop the skills and confidence you require as a business owner.
Workforce Australia’s Self-Employment Assistance Program offers support and services for aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs. Services include:
- Self-employment workshops;
- Small business training;
- Support to develop a business plan;
- 12 months business advisory support for business owners to deliver on their business plan;
- Business health checks; and,
- Business advice sessions.
Transcend Services is a business advisory focused on supporting small business owners who are aspiring to start or grow their own business. Its focus is on providing business owners the necessary support and knowledge, skills and confidence to build a sustainable and profitable business. It is passionate about supporting business owners to achieve their personal and business goals.
As Transcend’s chosen training partner, Chisholm Institute is delivering the short course skill sets – including Micro Business and New Business Ventures – which are available online and in the classroom. These short-form skill sets address the skills and knowledge required to investigate and plan a micro business or new business venture.
“I highly recommend Transcend for business assistance with getting your business off the ground or to help your existing business with a clear direction,” said one course participant. “They were fantastic at demystifying business jargon with practical tools and steps. I’m looking forward to growing my business under Transcend’s coaching guidance and accountability.”
Enrolments for the short courses are closing soon. To understand eligibility, specifics on courses and to enrol yourself in one of the courses, visit
Frankston, Dandenong, Berwick, Cranbourne, Rosebud and Wonthaggi campuses
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